Foodsoft 4.7.0 released

In November 2017, Foodsoft 4.6.0 was released, bringing many changes. And earlier this month, Foodsoft 4.7.0 was released, bringing even more changes. Besides small fixes and improvements brought in by contributors connected to several food cooperatives, there are new many new features as well. I’ll mention a few below, see the changelog for the full list.

Documents (plugin)

When the documents plugin is enabled, you can upload documents for reading by all members, and organize them into folders.

documents screenshot

Polls (plugin)

With the polls plugin you can create polls. There is the option to give each ordergroup a vote (or each user), and you can choose from several voting methods (event, single choice, multiple choice, and points for each option). This can help in making decisions together.

polls screenshot

With the links plugin you can add web links to the menu, for all members or for those in a specific workgroup. This can help members find their way.

links screenshot

Send order on close

The order can now automatically be closed when the closing time is reached, and Foodsoft can send the order to the supplier by email too (with PDF and CSV attachment). You can even specify a minimum order quantity (in your foodcoop’s currency), and send the order only if the order sum is at least that.

send on close screenshot

Revert financial transaction

If you’ve ever done finances for a foodcoop, you may gave come across a case where you’d like to cancel a previous member order after the order was settled. This isn’t possible, because financial transactions are ‘forever’, meaning you can only create a new transaction that effectively reverts the previous one.

This is now possible with the click of a button, and the two transactions will be hidden from view by default, so that they don’t clutter the list but the financial history stays correct.

reverted transaction screenshot


Several other features were added related to finances. That includes: IBAN account numbers, classes and types for financial accounts, handling of transport costs. There are more improvements in the pipeline, so we’ll get back to this at a later stage.

Custom fields

Members, suppliers and ordergroups can have custom fields specified by the foodcoop. This allows you to keep track of e.g. member birthdays, distance of supplier to location, etc. It is also possible to create financial transactions for ordergroups with a specific custom field (commit a3defc). This feature needs to be configured an administrator, and as such is mostly for foodcoops running their own version of Foodsoft. See PR #516.